日数收市价 升 跌
第一天 23.70
第二天 27.90 4.20
第三天 26.50 1.40
第四天 29.60 3.10
第五天 31.10 1.50
第六天 29.40 1.70
第七天 25.50 3.90
第八天 28.90 3.40
第九天 20.50 8.40
第十天 23.20 2.80
(1-10天之和) +15.00 +15.40
───────── ──────────
15÷9=1.67 15.40÷9=1.71
(5)每种类型股票的超卖超买值是不同的。在牛市时,通常蓝筹股的强弱指数若是80,便属超买,若是30便属超卖,至于二三线股,强弱指数若是85至90,便属超买,若是20至25,便属超卖。但我们不能硬性地以上述数值,拟定蓝筹股或二三线股是否属于超买或超卖,主要是由于某些股票有自己的一套超买/卖水平,即是,股价反覆的股票,通常超买的数值较高(90至95),而视作超卖的数值亦较低(10至15)。至于那些表现较稳定的股票,超买的数值则较低(65至70),超卖的数值较高(35至 40)。因此我们对一只股票采取买/卖行动前,一定要先找出该只股票的超买/超卖水平。至于衡量一只股票的超买/超卖水平,我们可以参考该股票过去12个月之强弱指标记录。
(6)超买及超卖范围的确定还取决于两个因素。第一是市场的特性,起伏不大的稳定的市场一般可以规定70以上超买,30以下为超卖。变化比较剧烈的市场可以规定80以上超买,20以下为超卖。第二是计算RSI时所取的时间参数。例如,对于9日RSI,可以规定80以上为超买,20以下为超卖。对于24日RSI,可以规定70以上为超买,30以下为超卖。应当注意的是,超买或超卖本身并不构成入市的讯号。有时行情变化得过于迅速,RSI会很快地超出正常范围,这时RSI的超买或超卖往往就失去了其作为出入市警告讯号的作用。例如在牛市初期,RSI往往会很快进入80以上的区 域,并在此区域内停留相当长一段时间,但这并不表示上升行情将要结束。恰恰相反,它是一种强势的表现。只有在牛市未期或熊市当中,超买才是比较可靠的入市讯号。基于这个原因,一般不宜在RSI一旦进入非正常区域就采取买卖行动。最好是价格本身也发出转向信号时再进行交易。这样就可以避免类似于上面提到的RSI进入超买区但并不立即回到正常区域那样的“陷井”。在很多情况罡,很好的买卖讯号是:RSI进入超买超卖区,然后又穿过超买或超卖的界线回到正常区域。不过这里仍然要得到价格方面的确认,才能采取实际的行动。这种确认可以是:趋势线的突破;②移动平均线的突破;③某种价格型态的完成。
3.评 价
1、 从WR的绝对取值方面考虑。
A、当WR 高于80,即处于超卖状态,行情即将见底,应当考虑买进。
B、当WR 低于20,即处于超买状态,行情即将见顶,应当考虑卖出。
2、 从WR的曲线形状考虑。
2.W%R进入超买或超卖区时,应立即寻求MACD讯号的支援。当W%R进入超买区时,可以当成一种预警效果,回头看看MACD是否产生DIF向下交叉MACD的卖出讯号?一律以MACD 的讯号为下手卖出的时机。相反的,W%R进入超卖区时,也适用同样的道理。
n日WMS=[(Hn—Ct)/(Hn—Ln)] ×100
1、 从WR的绝对取值方面考虑。
A、当WR 高于80,即处于超卖状态,行情即将见底,应当考虑买进。
B、当WR 低于20,即处于超买状态,行情即将见顶,应当考虑卖出。
2、 从WR的曲线形状考虑。
2.W%R进入超买或超卖区时,应立即寻求MACD讯号的支援。当W%R进入超买区时,可以当成一种预警效果,回头看看MACD是否产生DIF向下交叉MACD的卖出讯号?一律以MACD 的讯号为下手卖出的时机。相反的,W%R进入超卖区时,也适用同样的道理。
n日WMS=[(Hn—Ct)/(Hn—Ln)] ×100
Business This Week (Mar 23 - 27)
27 March
- RAM Ratings has reaffirmed its long- and short-term ratings of AA3 and P1 respectively for Gamuda Bhd’s RM900 million worth of Islamic bonds.
- Malaysian Rating Corporation (MARC) announced plans to embark on new initiatives including syariah compliance ratings by the second half of this year.
26 March
- Gamuda Bhd's net profit for 2Q ended Jan 31, 2009 fell 45% from a year earlier to RM49.06m.
- Mutiara Goodyear Development Bhd's net profit fell 60% to RM2.11m in 3Q ended Jan 31, 2009, from RM5.22m a year earlier as revenue fell 78% to RM16.76m from RM75.72m.
- Unicorn International Islamic Bank Malaysia Bhd posted maiden full-year net profit of RM812,546 for the year ended Dec 31, 2008.
- The Securities Commission granted Khazanah Nasional Bhd an exemption to carry out a mandatory take-over offer on the remaining shares of TM International after the latter's proposed RM5.25 billion rights issue.
25 March
- RAM Holdings predicted that the country is likely to see a weak recovery by 2H this year as confidence returns to the equity market and demand begins to stabilise.
- Kencana Petroleum Bhd’s net profit rose 25.7% to RM27.25m in 2Q ended Jan 31, 2009 from RM21.68m a year earlier.
- LCL Corporation Bhd received permission from the Securities Commission to defer its proposed renounceable rights issue.
- Dijaya Corporation Bhd obtained the Securities Commission’s approval for a time extension up to Sept 27 to implement its proposed rights issue.
24 March
- TM International Bhd’s issue of the rights shares had been fixed at RM1.12 per share, which is a discount of 50.9%, as they seek to raise gross proceeds of RM5.25bn.
- Selangor Properties Bhd’s net profit plunged 96% to RM1.75m in 1Q09 from RM43.16m a year earlier.
- Can-One Bhd entered into a share-sale agreement with Kian Joo Holdings to buy a 32.9% stake in Kian Joo Can Factory Bhd (KJCF) for RM241.12m.
- Pos Malaysia Bhd proposed a first and final dividend of 10 sen per share less 25% tax in respect of the year.
- Datuk Fateh Iskandar Mohamed Mansor appointed as Glomac Bhd CEO.
- CIMB Bank Bhd named the sole winner in Asia for “Best Retail Banking Branch Innovation Award” by The Asian Banker.
- Paragon Union Bhd’s managing director (MD) Quah Ban Hoo and three independent directors have resigned from their posts ahead of an EGM to remove them.
23 March
- RHB Research Institute said the productivity decline in the manufacturing sector quickened to 15.1% y-o-y compared with a fall of 12.4% in December.
- CIMB Research maintains underperform call on SP Setia at RM3.02 and a target price of RM2.30.
- Kenanga Investment issued two cash-settled structured warrants last week — Commerz-CF and Genting-CO.
- Penang’s Tatt Giap Group investing RM25m to produce a new line of larger diameter welded stainless steel pipes under its Superinox brand.
- Deloitte KassimChan tendered their resignation as auditors of Talam Corporation Bhd and Kumpulan Europlus Bhd.
- RAM Ratings has reaffirmed its long- and short-term ratings of AA3 and P1 respectively for Gamuda Bhd’s RM900 million worth of Islamic bonds.
- Malaysian Rating Corporation (MARC) announced plans to embark on new initiatives including syariah compliance ratings by the second half of this year.
26 March
- Gamuda Bhd's net profit for 2Q ended Jan 31, 2009 fell 45% from a year earlier to RM49.06m.
- Mutiara Goodyear Development Bhd's net profit fell 60% to RM2.11m in 3Q ended Jan 31, 2009, from RM5.22m a year earlier as revenue fell 78% to RM16.76m from RM75.72m.
- Unicorn International Islamic Bank Malaysia Bhd posted maiden full-year net profit of RM812,546 for the year ended Dec 31, 2008.
- The Securities Commission granted Khazanah Nasional Bhd an exemption to carry out a mandatory take-over offer on the remaining shares of TM International after the latter's proposed RM5.25 billion rights issue.
25 March
- RAM Holdings predicted that the country is likely to see a weak recovery by 2H this year as confidence returns to the equity market and demand begins to stabilise.
- Kencana Petroleum Bhd’s net profit rose 25.7% to RM27.25m in 2Q ended Jan 31, 2009 from RM21.68m a year earlier.
- LCL Corporation Bhd received permission from the Securities Commission to defer its proposed renounceable rights issue.
- Dijaya Corporation Bhd obtained the Securities Commission’s approval for a time extension up to Sept 27 to implement its proposed rights issue.
24 March
- TM International Bhd’s issue of the rights shares had been fixed at RM1.12 per share, which is a discount of 50.9%, as they seek to raise gross proceeds of RM5.25bn.
- Selangor Properties Bhd’s net profit plunged 96% to RM1.75m in 1Q09 from RM43.16m a year earlier.
- Can-One Bhd entered into a share-sale agreement with Kian Joo Holdings to buy a 32.9% stake in Kian Joo Can Factory Bhd (KJCF) for RM241.12m.
- Pos Malaysia Bhd proposed a first and final dividend of 10 sen per share less 25% tax in respect of the year.
- Datuk Fateh Iskandar Mohamed Mansor appointed as Glomac Bhd CEO.
- CIMB Bank Bhd named the sole winner in Asia for “Best Retail Banking Branch Innovation Award” by The Asian Banker.
- Paragon Union Bhd’s managing director (MD) Quah Ban Hoo and three independent directors have resigned from their posts ahead of an EGM to remove them.
23 March
- RHB Research Institute said the productivity decline in the manufacturing sector quickened to 15.1% y-o-y compared with a fall of 12.4% in December.
- CIMB Research maintains underperform call on SP Setia at RM3.02 and a target price of RM2.30.
- Kenanga Investment issued two cash-settled structured warrants last week — Commerz-CF and Genting-CO.
- Penang’s Tatt Giap Group investing RM25m to produce a new line of larger diameter welded stainless steel pipes under its Superinox brand.
- Deloitte KassimChan tendered their resignation as auditors of Talam Corporation Bhd and Kumpulan Europlus Bhd.
Business this week (Mar 16-20)
20 March
- The CPI rose 3.7% in February 2009 y-o-y due to sharp increases in food and non-alcoholic beverages.
- Vehicles sales fell 3% in February or by 1,126 units to 36,675 from January as consumers’ confidence was weighed down by uncertainties
- Bank Negara international reserves fell RM1.9 billion to RM314 billion (US$90.6 billion) as at March 13 from RM315.9 billion (USD91.1 billion) on Feb 27.
- MMC Corp received shareholders approval to acquire Senai Airport Terminal Services for RM1.7 billion. Obtained 97% of shareholders’ votes cast.
19 March
- Public Bank obtained BNM’s approval to issue up to RM5 billion non-cumulative perpetual capital securities.
- SP Setia Bhd's net profit fell 35.8% to RM31.18m in 1QFY09.
- Green Packet subsidiary Packet One Networks awarded RM103.7 million contract to ZTE Malaysia for the second phase of the WiMAX network.
- Malaysia’s manufacturing sector recorded sales value of RM36.7 billion, down 22.7% or RM10.8 billion from a year ago.
- Dell Malaysia offered a VSS to all 5,000 employees in Malaysia to reduce global workforce by 10% or 8,800 jobs.
18 March
- Malayan Banking shares rose to the most in 4 ½ weeks at the midday break on, adding 14 sen to RM4.16.
Maxis Communications Bhd announced plans to invest US$10bn (RM37bn) in its Indian unit Aircel.
17 March
- The Crown Princess Hotel KL to be redesigned and rebranded as the Doubletree by Hilton Kuala Lumpur City Centre.
- SapuraCrest Petroleum secured RM3 billion job to instal offshore facilities at deepwater Gumusut-Kakap oil field, operated by Sabah Shell.
- Human Resources Ministry said 26,000 jobs have been lost in the country since September 2008 and foresees the loss of another 40,000 to 50,000 more jobs this year.
- Kramat Tin Dredging Bhd’s share price plunged 53% by 3pm on March 17 ahead of its impending suspension on March 20.
16 March
- Berjaya Sports Toto posted net profit of RM97.11 million for the third quarter ended Jan 31 compared with RM98.16 million a year ago.
- The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) Board declared a dividend rate of 4.50% for 2008.
- The Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER) forecasts the country’s gross domestic product to contract 3.8% this year.
- The CPI rose 3.7% in February 2009 y-o-y due to sharp increases in food and non-alcoholic beverages.
- Vehicles sales fell 3% in February or by 1,126 units to 36,675 from January as consumers’ confidence was weighed down by uncertainties
- Bank Negara international reserves fell RM1.9 billion to RM314 billion (US$90.6 billion) as at March 13 from RM315.9 billion (USD91.1 billion) on Feb 27.
- MMC Corp received shareholders approval to acquire Senai Airport Terminal Services for RM1.7 billion. Obtained 97% of shareholders’ votes cast.
19 March
- Public Bank obtained BNM’s approval to issue up to RM5 billion non-cumulative perpetual capital securities.
- SP Setia Bhd's net profit fell 35.8% to RM31.18m in 1QFY09.
- Green Packet subsidiary Packet One Networks awarded RM103.7 million contract to ZTE Malaysia for the second phase of the WiMAX network.
- Malaysia’s manufacturing sector recorded sales value of RM36.7 billion, down 22.7% or RM10.8 billion from a year ago.
- Dell Malaysia offered a VSS to all 5,000 employees in Malaysia to reduce global workforce by 10% or 8,800 jobs.
18 March
- Malayan Banking shares rose to the most in 4 ½ weeks at the midday break on, adding 14 sen to RM4.16.
Maxis Communications Bhd announced plans to invest US$10bn (RM37bn) in its Indian unit Aircel.
17 March
- The Crown Princess Hotel KL to be redesigned and rebranded as the Doubletree by Hilton Kuala Lumpur City Centre.
- SapuraCrest Petroleum secured RM3 billion job to instal offshore facilities at deepwater Gumusut-Kakap oil field, operated by Sabah Shell.
- Human Resources Ministry said 26,000 jobs have been lost in the country since September 2008 and foresees the loss of another 40,000 to 50,000 more jobs this year.
- Kramat Tin Dredging Bhd’s share price plunged 53% by 3pm on March 17 ahead of its impending suspension on March 20.
16 March
- Berjaya Sports Toto posted net profit of RM97.11 million for the third quarter ended Jan 31 compared with RM98.16 million a year ago.
- The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) Board declared a dividend rate of 4.50% for 2008.
- The Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER) forecasts the country’s gross domestic product to contract 3.8% this year.
2011 launch for Resorts World at Sentosa
RESORTS World at Sentosa Pte Ltd, a unit of Genting International Ltd, says its integrated resort may be fully completed and officially launched in 2011.
The casino, the Universal Studio Singapore theme park, the Festive Walk and four hotels (namely Hotel Michael, Maxim Towers, Hard Rock Hotel and Festive Hotel) are due to be launched in the first quarter next year.
However, the world's biggest oceanarium, Marine Life Park, the Spa Villas and the Equarius Hotel will be launched later.
"It will be launched after the first quarter of 2010, it may be end-2010, it may be 2011. We are working closely with the Singapore government on it. We will be able to have a clearer picture on the launching and opening dates after a few months," said Resorts World at Sentosa vice-president and head of communications Krist Boo during a company visit yesterday.
When completed, the integrated resort will offer six hotels comprising over 1,800 rooms, two major attractions, a casino, a six-star spa and wellness retreat, and a Maritime Xperiential Museum, among others.
Currently, the resort is under construction and is about 60 per cent completed.
It is expected to generate about 45,000 jobs, of which 10,000 people will be staff of Resorts World at Sentosa.
The casino, the Universal Studio Singapore theme park, the Festive Walk and four hotels (namely Hotel Michael, Maxim Towers, Hard Rock Hotel and Festive Hotel) are due to be launched in the first quarter next year.
However, the world's biggest oceanarium, Marine Life Park, the Spa Villas and the Equarius Hotel will be launched later.
"It will be launched after the first quarter of 2010, it may be end-2010, it may be 2011. We are working closely with the Singapore government on it. We will be able to have a clearer picture on the launching and opening dates after a few months," said Resorts World at Sentosa vice-president and head of communications Krist Boo during a company visit yesterday.
When completed, the integrated resort will offer six hotels comprising over 1,800 rooms, two major attractions, a casino, a six-star spa and wellness retreat, and a Maritime Xperiential Museum, among others.
Currently, the resort is under construction and is about 60 per cent completed.
It is expected to generate about 45,000 jobs, of which 10,000 people will be staff of Resorts World at Sentosa.
KL Composite Index Up or Down

This week KL Composite Index fall in the lower point at 836.51 on 12/03/2009.This point as low as since 2005. Is it the lowest point for in this year? May be .....
From KL Composite Index chart, we can see that nest week for the bottom support line should be at 821 point and the upper support line at 914 point. If KLCI fall in 821 point then it will continue down to another support line. But,the trading volume too remained thin with only 301 million shares changing hands.
(吉隆坡6日讯) 受建议中附加股发行订价的消息冲击,马来亚银行有限公司(MAYBANK,1155,主板金融组)股价今日继续滑落。
(吉隆坡6日讯) 受建议中附加股发行订价的消息冲击,马来亚银行有限公司(MAYBANK,1155,主板金融组)股价今日继续滑落。
Supermax to focus on organic growth
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